Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day Ten..."Love is Unconditional"

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

The Dare: "Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse - something that proves (to you and them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Wash her car. Clean the kitchen. Buy his favorite dessert. Fold laundry. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

 The Outcome: I think we BOTH blew this dare out of the water! I noticed while heading out to the gym yesterday afternoon that I had a screw sticking out of my tire by about an inch and a half, which translated to me going nowhere. I didn't want to risk the screw falling out while driving, then consequently being tested on my tire-changing skills which are definitely non-existent. I called Nate and he called every place in town and no one seemed to have my tire in stock. We finally found someone who had what we needed, however it involved a drive to Kennesaw to get it...at 6:30 in the morning the next day, on my day off. There was NOTHING pleasant about having to wake up my four year old, get him dressed for the day, and go sit in a waiting room at a tire place for an hour or so at the buttcrack of dawn. After getting everything ready to go first thing in the morning, I went out in the garage and saw Nate was changing my tire to the spare. He then informed me he had let his employer know he would be in late. He left his car for me to drive for the day, and took my car to Kennesaw and waited for them to finish the tire, then took my car to work. This would mean he would inevitably have to work through lunch. 

Owen and I decided to venture out to his work, which was an act of God that we ever arrived, seeing how I could get lost driving from my work back home. We hand delivered to him an Arby's Market Fresh sandwich (his favorite) and a Red Bull (his second favorite) at work. He was not only surprised I took the time to FIND his work (hey, in my defense he isn't always at the concierge, he's usually working from his car), but also took time out of my day to bring him some little "pleasures." Owen and I visited a while, then came back home. While Owen napped, I slaved over a weeks worth of unfolded laundry. Whew! I never thought folding, separating and hanging laundry could possibly take up a full hour and a half. It was like a breath of fresh air to have it done though!


30 days and counting...

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