Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Popping Bubbles. One Lesson at a Time"

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling." 1 Peter 4:9

Can I just tell you the face I made when I read this? If the expression "blech" had a face,  mine would've accurately described it at that point. Reading comes easy for me. Serving can sometimes be a challenge. Loving people is definitely a learning process for me. And I can definitely "offer" hospitality. But, without grumbling?! That's asking a bit much in my opinion. The interesting part about this verse is it seems the writer realized most people experienced this struggle. Otherwise, he could've just commanded us to offer hospitality without any other conditions.

I love to read. I love quotes. I love to read things that can mean one thing to me today and something totally different tomorrow, which is why I love to read the Word. But, when you read things such as this verse, it almost makes you wish you hadn't read it. Jesus warns us many times in the Word to be not just "hearer's of the Word, but doers." So, how do I practice this when He's asking me to do something that doesn't come natural for me?

Looking back over the past month of my life, two words pop into mind: uncomfortable growth. Oddly enough, those words seem to usually coincide. If we are ever going to grow spiritually, God will definitely lead us out of our comfort zones. One of my biggest comfort zones was what I like to call "my bubble." Inside my bubble, I could determine my day, schedule, priorities, etc. I could answer the phone on the rare occasion I felt like "shooting the breeze" with someone. I could still remain available, through text or Facebook, but not so available that I had to split my day up to actually slow down and have meaningful conversations.

Within the past month, I've had some of my close friends go through some tough struggles. They begin to need me. The problem was, their struggles were deeper than a Facebook wall post, or a text. They needed ME. They needed me to stop my day, rearrange my priorities, and pencil in an appointment for a meaningful phone call. This was very uncomfortable to me. I didn't want to put folding clothes on the back burner, AGAIN! I didn't want to miss my afternoon nap! I didn't want to interrupt my morning routine! Funny thing happened though when I decided to take those calls as they came. I found my calling. I found my strength. While listening to their concerns, crying for them, encouraging them in the Word, and praying for them, I found myself growing. All of a sudden, I'm looking for a chance to take that call. I feel myself thriving while helping these people through situations, some of which I failed in myself and can warn them which way NOT to go.

 Isn't that how God works? Redeeming your past for His glory? It's amazing to me that he just won't give up. Not on me. Not on you. As long as your heart is open, His power will be strengthening it, changing it into a heart like His. The mere fact that I not only answer the phone nowadays, but anticipate calls, is proof that he is at work.  It's tangible proof that He is able to give me a heart that doesn't "grumble," but finds strength in stepping out of my comfort zone and doing what is unnatural to me.

I guess in all reality, Jesus popped my bubble of comfort. It was annoying at first. I was uncooperative to begin with. But He knew what was best for me. He knew if I ever wanted to have the abundant life He promised, I would have to operate in my calling. And if I never stepped out of my comfort zone, I would've never found or experienced it.  He set me up for success.

 I am a work in process, but He never sleeps. He will finish the work he's started in me.

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