"The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing."

That's unconditional love. Love that doesn't depend on how much I talk to him, how often I pray, or how "good" I was that day. That is a love that loves no matter what the conditions. So, you feel "unworthy" of this kind of love? You aren't alone. I've felt that way before. I'm sure Judas (the one that gave Jesus up to the soldiers) did. After all, he hung himself shortly after making that mistake. I bet Peter felt similar after denying he even knew Jesus. He didn't feel worthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus, so he asked to be crucified upside down. King David had an affair with a married woman, got her pregnant, then secretly had her husband killed in combat to cover up the mistake. Yet after all of that, God called him "...a man after My heart."
God doesn't hold the same gavel we do. He doesn't hold past sins or regrets against us. He sees our hearts. He sees who we are meant to be. And he loves us as we are, not as we should be, because we will never be as we "should" be.
"Did you know every time you say, 'I love you' to God, he says, "Thank You?" Never confuse your perception of yourself with the mystery that you really are accepted."
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