Let me be five minutes late getting out the door.
Let my son make a disaster of a mess on the kitchen floor as we are walking out the door.
Let my husband ask me to run a random errand I wasn't expecting.
Wait for a few minutes while these things pile up and you'll see me emotionally explode all over the ones I love most.
I immediately lose focus and unleash the brunt of a woman scorned, or more precisely, a woman out of control.
This morning as I sit down to spend time in the Word, I'm brought to tears. How can I say to my son, "Follow me as I follow Christ" when my example is "follow-worthy" only when everything is right and on time in my world? I began to look at the life of Jesus and I noticed an uncanny difference in He and I (go figure). He too had a mission to fulfill. He too had limited time. He had a few short years to show the world what God looked like, to fulfill the prophecies and die a sacrificial death. If anyone's feathers should've been ruffled, it was His. With such a tall order to fill, I wouldn't dare take time to enjoy the things He did. I mean seriously, who has time for sleep, rest, sitting down for meals and dancing at a wedding while there's a whole world of lost and dying people to save?! You didn't catch Him glancing at His appointment book, being certain there was a time slot for these things. Jesus partook in all the above with a glad and joyful heart.
"Jesus was able to strike a balance between showing compassion and staying focused on his mission." - Mary Maxwell (missionary)

He took time to enjoy the things we haphazardly rush through.
He invited children to interrupt his day.
He stopped to answer questions for wandering hearts and minds.
He allowed Himself to be a vessel for healing, no matter what else was on the day's agenda.
He made relationships, deep ones, with people who would soon abandon him.
He sought out those who would consider themselves unworthy of unconditional love.
He didn't eat lunch on the run, sparing no time for fellowship with his friends.
He didn't harshly scold the child running up to him as if they were an annoyance.
He didn't get angry at the humanness of the people and their mistakes.
He didn't allow his agenda to dictate His day, but the day to dictate the agenda, knowing every appointment was sovereignly appointed by His Almighty Father.
He didn't allow the pain and emotions of befriending many who soon abandon Him to stand in the way of knowing and loving them completely, despite what was certain to come.
He looked for opportunities to show grace, knowing the ones who needed it most would most likely feel unworthy to come looking for Him.
As I think about the ways in which I am far from the character of Jesus, tears fill my eyes. Tears of sadness because I allow myself to be ruled by emotions more often than not. Tears of happiness, knowing that He who began a good work in me is faithful to see it through to completion. I'm thankful His gentle Spirit steers me towards the desire to be more like Christ. And for good reason! It's imperative to a dying world that they see people who are different, who slow down to enjoy this day, time and season with joy and confidence that God is working in the midst.
Jesus was a man with laser-like focus. His purpose, to fulfill the will of the Father. His mission, to save a dying world. His short time here on earth was lived out with peace, joy and compassion. Could He be inviting us to see every event of our lives as a divine appointment instead of an annoying disruption? If he can take time to enjoy the simple things of this lifetime, then so should we.

Let's allow Him access to our appointment book, even when it seems to be full to the brim.
Lets allow our hearts to be refreshed by the comfort of His word, even though it means we must silence the noise.
Tune our hearts to prayer, admitting where we fall short and reminding ourselves God will lead us this day, confident this will bring our will to align with His.
Let's view every moment as irreplaceable. Let's began to enjoy disruptions, though they be many!
Let's realize our time is short, our mission is important and this is not our home!
"The focus of Jesus' life was to stay perfectly attuned to his Father's voice. He was determined to live every moment in harmony with the Father's will." - Jennifer Dean
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