Friday, March 25, 2011

"Can I Get a Witness?"

Jeremiah 1:9 Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth.

Jeremiah 24:7 I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.

Do you have people you look up to? Well, of course you do. Whether it's Michael Jordan, Britney Spears, or Jesus...not necessarily in that order...we all have an image of someone we are inspired by. For me, I'm most inspired by people who stand up for God. It's one thing to casually mention you are a Christian, but it's a different ball game when you are standing up for Christ on national television. Check this's only six minutes, but hold out until the end.

Wow. Talk about taking your faith mainstream! Glenn Beck took a risk and spoke some truth to us. I don't know much about his life or things he's been through. I don't know if speaking that kind of truth was tough or easy for him. But, he was faithful. God put words in his mouth and he spoke them on national television. God doesn't ask us to be perfect before he can use us. He just asks us to be willing. You don't have to have it altogether before you pray with the person at work who's hurting. You don't have to wait until you get your friends to church for them to hear about God. You can be just as inspirational.

"We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the Word of our testimony." There are two ways we overcome the things of this world, first by the blood of Jesus then by the words of our mouth. I've realized throughout my life, especially in my recent years, I can win more people for Christ BECAUSE of my testimony, not apart from it. Yes, there are h u g e relapses of sin spotted throughout it. There are lots of "shocker's" along my paragraphs of life. Nonetheless, it's a testimony. It's an example of a child running from God, God remaining faithful, and that child always returning. Something happens in people when you are honest. They realize they aren't alone in their sin. The struggle they thought would forever haunt them is the same struggle someone used in their testimony...and they overcame it. 

If we are faithful in sharing what He puts into our hearts, it will change the hearts of others. So, never be ashamed of your testimony. If you will be willing to share your life struggles with people, you can quickly become someone to be admired. God doesn't ask you to be perfect, just willing. If you are waiting on God to perfect you until you allow Him to use you, it will never happen this side of heaven...

"God loves you as you are, not as you should be, because this side of heaven, you'll never be as you should be."

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