Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 | A Resolution to End the Lie: "If I Could Just Lose Those Last Ten Pounds..."

3 John 1:2 - Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. 

"I just want my high school body back." 
"If I can only lose those last ten pounds." 
"Is there like a magic pill you could give me to help me lose weight without exercising?" 

These are just a few of the questions and phrases I've heard as we've begun 2014. As most of my close friends and family know, I've been through my phases of obsession with my physical body. I remember the feeling of control I had while monitoring every morsel of food that entered my mouth. The lure of a body that doesn't jiggle when I run. The idea of rock solid abs that don't fold over when I sit, thighs that don't touch and a butt that doesn't sag. The fat burners were just an added bonus. With high quality caffeine and stimulants coursing through my veins, I felt unstoppable. Working out twice a day became like a drug to me. That newly defined body also brought along things I didn't expect: a troubled marriage, an eating disorder that led to me only eating food that I had prepared (free of fats, seasonings, or anything I considered unhealthy), friendships based solely on if you supported my unhealthy habit. With each new ab muscle peeping through and every new line of definition forming, everything else hit the wayside. Nothing else mattered.The best thing God could've done for me was to sit back and let it happen. There came a time in that phase of life, where God came and found me. He and I walked through years of repairs both in my marriage, my friendships and in my health. 

I know for us as women, it's easy to put our bodies on a pedestal. Magazines constantly photoshop women to portray perfectly defined, size 2 bodies. Type the word "fitness" into the search field on Pinterest and you'll find chiseled bodies of women plastered across your computer screen, as if the lack of jiggle constitutes a level of fitness. In lieu of our New Year Resolutions, I'd like to offer a new one: that we, as women, hold each other accountable. I'm not talking accountability as in showing up to the gym everyday, in sickness or in health. I'm not even insinuating we hold each other responsible for every bite of food we eat. Is exercise important? Absolutely. Is eating healthy necessary? You bet. But there is a life after this one and our physical bodies will be gone. The real accountability comes in spiritually… Are we regarding our spiritual health as important as our physical, if not more so? I'm not saying let's abandon all workouts and all things health-related, I'm simply saying let's stop going crazy with it… working out twice a day and living on a diet of Almond Milk and lettuce. I'm calling for a commitment to grow in godliness while growing in strength… "For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."- 1 Timothy 4:8

I'ts 2015. A fresh start. A new chapter. It's time we join together, ladies, as much for ourselves as for our daughters, our nieces, our friend and all the other girls that are being brought up in a world that worships the next hottest body. It's our responsibility to teach them balance. They deserve to know you can enjoy the not-so-good for you foods within reason. That you don't have to prepackage your meals to attend a birthday party. That it's ok to have a little jiggle here and there. That the strength of our hearts will far outweigh the strength of our biceps. If we aren't teaching women around us the value of a relationship with God, then the world will teach them their value is found in what they have and what they look like. God predicted it long ago, that the world would be drawn that way…"For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Sam 16:7.  

Let's be honest, even at our skinniest, or healthiest state, we still found fault in our bodies! Losing those last ten pounds, fitting into your skinny jeans and achieving that "goal weight" will not bring you lasting joy. It will be fleeting. 
Stop focusing on where you fall short and thank God for where you are today. Enjoy your food, your families, your friendships and even your workouts. Let's make it a point this year to seek the Lord with the same zeal we bring to our workouts. There is a freedom to be found in that...and a joy that far surpasses having the body of your dreams.  "Do not let your adorning be external…but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4. A firm foundation of the heart will stand long after our firm booty and biceps have passed away! :)